
Articles to help you succeed

Our desire is that you succeed in all that you want to do. We want to help you make that happen!

M.J. Welcome

finding courage in the face of fear

It is impossible to be courageous without the element of fear. Because if you are not fearful where would courage come in?

I applaud you for taking the first steps to investigate. In spite of what your inner voice has been muttering. In spite of what friends or family may have said to discourage you. You have stepped out in to this unknown place to investigate and gather information. 

I celebrate your courage. You are courageous. Remember that! 

Throughout your journey you will have to tap into your courageous space and battle your inner voices. 

BECEN is here to help you. We have groups that focus on:

  • Empowerment Coaching
  • Identifying and silencing your inner critic
  • Self-sufficiency planning
  • SMART Plan Development
  • Laser Coaching
  • Organization and Record Keeping for SSA 
"You can live a limitless life, it depends on what you choose!"
- M. J. Welcome
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Communication Skills

Healthy Self-Expression

Tincidunt urna accumsan nec risus lorem vesti bulum mi facilisis. Consec tetur adipiscing elit elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

compassion, listening, sharing

Career Skills

Connecting and Thriving in the Work Place

Tincidunt urna accumsan nec risus lorem vesti bulum mi facilisis. Consec tetur adipiscing elit elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

universe, particles, vibration